
Stock NumberVX-31030
Melt shopDC EBT EAF
Secondary steel makingLadle Furnace
Ladle capacity100 stons Nominal
Machine designCurved Mould Design
Machine radius9 Meters
Number of strands3
Strand distance47.2" (1200 mm)
Actual section6.5" Square (165 mm Square)
Casting speed2.7 m/min.
Casting methodOpen Pour
Productivity500,000 Tons per Year
Main steel gradesGrade 60, C1008, C1018, C1045, Grinding Med.
Tundish supporttwo Tundish cars, overhead type with weighing
Tundishone Tundish for 3 strands, nozzle changer device (CNM®)
Mould designcurved, CONVEX®
Oscillationshort lever system
Strand guidewater-cooled frame
Spray zonezone I, II and III closed loop control
Dummy bar systemrigid dummy bar with permanent head and automatic disconnect
Cutting equipmenttorch cutting unit
Eaf supplierFuchs
Lf supplierABB
Re-bar/rounds#3 to #11, 3/8" to 1-3/8"
Rod5.5 to 13 mm Diameter
Heat size100 ston
Section size165 mm square
Cut-offTorched lengths to 14.5 meters
Casting modeOpen casting
Electrical supplierABB plantwide
First castJune 7, 1996
Maximum casting speed3.7 meters per minute
Nominal speeds2.8 to 3.0 meters per minute
Mill supplierDanieli/Morgardshammer


Plant Data: Design Data Machine Data: Section Range: 5.9" - 6.7" Square (150 mm - 170 mm Square) Cut off Length: 9.6 meters Minimum - 14.6 meters Maximum Secondary Cooling: 3 Zones with Closed Loop Control: Zone 1: Spray Ring Zone 2: 2A & 2B Zone 3: 3A & 3B New Machine Design: Ladle Support: ladle turret with two fixed arms, weighing and independent emergency drive Withdrawal/Unbending: CCS (CONCAST Continuous Straightening) adjustable clamping force Discharge Equipment: billet cross transfer, billet weighing, billet shifter, cooling bed Annual Production 500,000 stons - Stage 1 750,000 stons - Stage 2 Raw Material Rail car scrap yard facility Melt Shop DC EAF Shaft Preheat with EBT 6 meter shell 80 MVA (2 x 40) 100 ston Nominal Tap Weight 50 minutes Minimum Tap time AC Ladle Metallurgy Furnace Steel Grades A6l5 - 60 Grade C100S - 1060 Finished Products Continuous Caster Concast CONVEX® S-17-9 CCS Number of Strands: 3 Machine Radius: 9 meters Strand Distance: 3 x 1200 mm Billet Quality: Excellent internal and external billet quality consistently achieved with no rhomboidity Hot Charging Equipment and Equalizing Furnace Walking beam type designed for 100% hot charge; supplier: PIFCOM Rolling Mill 18-Strand Continuous Bar Bill with Rod Outlet; 10-Stand Block Continuous Cold Cut-To-Length Facility Bar Bundling System Coil Handling Hook Conveyor System Line Includes: (1) EAF Control Pulpit (Year Installed 1996) (1) Spare Arc Furnace Transformer, AMM, 38 MVA, 13.8 KV primary (Year Installed 1999) (1) Continuous Caster, Concast, 3 Strand, (Year Installed 1996) 6-1/4" x 6-1/4" 9 meter radius rated at 125 tons per hour 750,000 tons per year (based on 6,000 operating hours) with 2 arm 185 ton ladle turret with weigh scale 5 tundish 2 tundish cars 3 water cool spray zones 2 cut-off torches hydraulic straightener 30' to 48' billet size 200 ton cross transfer table size 48' x 30' with 9 hydraulic pusher bars and controls (1) Caster Control Pulpit (Year Installed 1996) (1) Tundish Bricking System, steel platform 40' x 36' x 8' high, 4 station (Year Installed 1996)