12´´ Wide Lewis 2-HI Rolling Mill (Used)


Stock NumberVX-17556
Capacity1.00” to .040” Thick x .500” to 10” Wide
Work roll diameter8”
Work roll face12”
Post size5” x 7”
Main drive40 HP DC


Condition: Excellent As Taken from Service Timken Bearings Manual Screwdowns 4-Roll Edging Station for Shaping Bar or Rod Full Assortment of Edging Dies (See List Below) All Electrical All Spare Parts Edging Dies: Square Edge x 2: .032”, .038”, .050”, .066”, .080”, .090”, .105”, .115”, .125”, .134” .145”, .156”, .187”, 195” Round Edge x 2: .020”, .038”, .055”, .066”, .080”, .090”, .105”, .115”, .125”, .134”, .145”, .156”, .175”, 187”, .200”