Magnet System, O.S. Walker Co. (Used)


ManufacturerO. S. Walker Co.
Stock NumberVX-23131
Size8 x 48
Part no.AXM-14061
Volts d.c.115
Max. duty cycle50%
Magnet weight425 Lbs.
Width36 – 72 inches
Length96 – 240 inches
Total capacity10,000 Pounds


MAGNET SPECIFICATIONS: Nom. Amps @ 20° C: 10.4 Nom. Ohms @ 20° C: 11.05 Lift Capacity: Each magnet is capable of lifting 8,500 pounds of 2.5 inch thick SAE 1020 steel. Performance will vary due to specific operating conditions. SPREADER BEAM SPECIFICATIONS: Type: SINGLE HOOK Part No.: AXM-14059 Capacity: With (3) 8 x 48 (AXM-14061) RL magnets, this beam is capable of lifting up to 10,000 pounds of single A36 HR steel plate. Per the following schedule: Thickness: .125 - .50 inches Maximum plate temperature not to exceed 110° F. Performance will vary due to specific operation conditions.