36" x .008"-.040" Bradbury 11 Roll Hydraulic Leveler (Used)


Stock NumberVX-20243


Manufacturer: Bradbury

Material Width: 36" Maximum, 6" Minimum

Material Thickness: .008" to .040"

Yield Strength: 50,000 psi Maximum, 30,000 psi Minimum

Work Roll Number: 11 (5 Up, 6 Down)

Work Rolls Size: .875" diameter x 44" Face

Work Roll Centers: 1"

Back Up Flights: 5/2

Main Drive: 15 HP DC

Line Speed: 0 to 100 FPM Maximum

Pass Line Height: 40"

Intermediate Rolls" 5 High Leveler

General: The Leveler will continuously work the strip in the thickness and width ranges specified.

Leveler Housing:

Main base and upper rolls housing are welded steel construction machined to accept the bearing housings.

Steel bearing housing are accurately machined for work roll allignment.

Levelling screws and foundation bolt holes are provided where necessary.

Work Rolls:

All work rolls are driven from a pinion stand by individual universals.

Spare set of rolls included