Syncro Tension Stand, Monarch Stamco (Used)


ManufacturerMonarch Stamco
Stock NumberVX-23214


Manufacturer: Stamco

The line this tension stand came out of was running .015"-.135" gauges. 

This does not mean the tension stand is limited to these gauges. 

Gauge capacities should be confirmed.

Two sets of Rolls:  Face Nominal 76.5" x 16" nominal Diameter- 15.5" min.

Roll Tensioning Unit

Drag Board 

2 Tooling Shafts

40" Base Height, 42" pass height with recommended 2" grout

Originally Drive & Pinion:(not Included) 

125 HP DC motor

Nuttall Pinion 9.81:1 ratio gear box

Included Stamco Drive & Pinion:

(There is another Stamco Syncrowind Tension Stand that is available without rolls that can be used to complete this unit. It has a 150 HP DC Motor, 300/1500 RPM, Nuttall Pinion 9.81:1 Ratio

The Drive would have to be realigned to fit this unit

57" Base Height, 59" pass height with recommended 2" grout

3.375" Dia. Bore J-450 series Yoke

Removed from service