Tension Stand, Coiltech, 52" Wide (Used)


Stock NumberVX-23383


Combination Roll and Drag Board Tension Stand

-Entry Separator Tooling Bar

-Drag Board Unit 

 (3) Hydraulic Cylinders for clamping pressure

-Separator Tooling Bar

-Tension Rolls

-10" Dia. x 52" Face Rolls

 Hydraulic Motor Threading Drive

-Wichita Water Cooled Brake on bottom Roll

-42.5" Passline Height 

Technically designed for Right To Left Mode of Operation.

This can be changed to opposite hand however, the 12" x 12" E-Stop Panel

must be moved to opposite side and you must have space to change out

Drag Boards and Tooling Bars on your drive side of the line.

Overall Size: 99" L x 55" W x 5'High

Shipping Weight: 8,000 lbs.

Removed and in Storage