60” x .135” x 50,000 Lbs. Cincinnati/Herr-Voss Slitting Line (Used)


Stock NumberVX-1728


General Specifications:

Manufacturer: Cincinnati/Herr-Voss

Width: 60”

Gauge Range: .011”-.135”

Weight Capacity: 50,000 Lb.

Line Direction: Left to Right


A Herr-Voss Strand Extensioner was added in 2003

A Sky-loop in 2010

The Entry-Table & Recoiler were replaced in 2015

Line Includes:

Entry Coil Ramp

Cone Uncoiler

Snubber Roll

Peeler/Pinch/Side-Guide/Crop Shear Unit

Slitter Head - (3) Heads

-(1) 48" wide x 6" diamete Arbors; (2) 60" wide x 6" diameter Arbor

-Crane-Remove Type

-200 HP DC Motor

Dual Scrap Winders

-Oscillating Eye

-Self Dumping

Carry-over Table

Looping Pit

-Sky Loop System added in 2010

Pit Exit Table, Strand-Entry

Tension Stand


Herr-Voss Stand Extensioner

-VKSE 72/1.5-19/7 4HI LH

Exit Bridle and Recoiler Feed Table

Recoiler w/ Attached Separator & Push-off

-200 HP GE DC Motor

-Two-Speed Gearbox